Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Pinochet escapes lower courts for a higher one

Have a great Time in Hell Mr. Pinochet.

You are the epitome of state sponsored terror.You set an example for abusing power and getting away with it. You destroyed the lives of many a country men. You specialized in systematic abuse of human rights.

Words fail to describe you or your actions. Lucifer himself would be proud of what you achieved. You have killed at least 3,000 people and tortured 30,000.

The absence of justice is what pains as the most. You escaped trial for the numerous crimes against humanity. The pleas of justice from thousands of your victims and their relatives went unheard.

A mild dementia prevented you from standing trial? How frivolous can the justice system get? You might not remember your atrocities but the rest of the world will,how can they forget? Imagine Jack the ripper claiming exemption from trial saying he might not remember the first name of one of his victims.

Don't even talk about the economic progress Chile made under you. 40% of your population were under poverty when you were finally thrown out in 1990. It does not imply that any amount of economic progress can justify the rule of terror.

For a philosopher your life is the ultimate proof for the existence of god. Life becomes meaningless if some one like you can escape justice for eternity. It is the belief in the presence of higher court of justice that cure. Hope you have a great time in hell with your partners, Hitler, Idi Amin and the rest of them.

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